Karumo Technical Training Institute is a tertiary Institution established in 2015 and is mandated and fully accredited by the Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA), Ministry of Education to provide training in Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in various courses at Diploma and Craft levels. Over the years since its inception, the Institute has witnessed growth in academic programmes, student enrolment, staffing,physical facilities, excellence in academics as well as in extra-curricular activities.
Karumo Technical Training Institute academic programmes are classified under five (5) academic departments namely:
- Department of Computing Informatics and Business
- Department of Agriculture and Environmental Studies
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Building and Civil Engineering
- Department of Hospitality and Institutional Management
all geared towards equipping trainees with marketable skills that contribute to their socio-economic development and that of the country at large.
Karumo Technical Training Institute continues to provide quality training as is embedded in our vision and mission statements which has led to the supply of TVET graduates who contribute to the economic growth of this country. To adequately prepare students for the dynamic labour market, Karumo Technical Training Institute has established meaningful links with leading organizations and industrial partners, who provide relevant input in regard to the market/industry needs.

Karumo Technical Training Institute provides skill-based training that contributes to the objective of providing solutions through innovation, science, and technology as well as creating jobs. Our goal serves as a roadmap for our efforts to significantly contribute to Kenya's transition to a newly industrialized nation in line with goal 2030.
In order to meet the needs of potential employers, Karumo Technical Training Institute provides students with practical training in their specific trade areas. Karumo Technical Training Institute remains a vital component of the commitment required to advance this nation, particularly in reaching the 2030 objective.